Convergence Project

The spiritual world has been in contact with the physical world since the origin of Humanity. Many guidelines and pieces of information have been transmitted over the ages through mediums or insiders – initiated people – knowing how to communicate with the afterlife. During the 19th century, Allan Kardec made a considerable effort to compile the results and orientations of many mediumnic experiments. His written works such as the The Spirits’ Book have founded the Spiritism as we know it today in its three dimensions: religious, philosophical and scientific.
Since then, many messages and books have been conveyed by the spiritual world and the mediumship could spread throughout the world. Many points of view of elevated Spirits could be shared and have enriched our understanding of mankind and the meaning of life on Earth
Through the Convergence Project, we propose to continue the process of analyzing and cross-checking the information obtained thanks to the spiritual world through psychography, in order to deepen and update the foundations of the Spiritist Doctrine with the knowledge we have today.
At a regular rhythm, a new cycle will be initiated and will take place as follows:
- A question is asked on points of the Spiritist Doctrine
- Within a given time frame, each participating group must submit this question to the spiritual world and transcribe the messages, which are obtained
- Messages are compiled anonymously and analyzed by a committee
- A summary of all the answers together, as well as each answer to that question are published on this site
Allan Kardec
The Spiritism codified by Allan Kardec is a spiritualist philosophy, which appears in Paris in 1857 and which gave rise to a socio-cultural movement in Europe that lasted until the beginning of the 20th century. Kardec exposes its principles in The Spirit’s Book and in his subsequent written works.
Allan Kardec defines Spiritism as a doctrine based on the existence, the manifestations and the teaching of spirits, possessing moral laws and being based on a spiritist scale. This school of thought considers that the mediums can communicate with the deceased through the use of a spiritual energy which is called perispirit. European at the beginning, this movement spread to Latin America and it is today an important religion in Brazil, being influential both in its political and social life.
Based on the belief in God, in the reincarnation and communication with the Beyond, the Spiritism currently aggregates more than ten million followers around the world, most of them located in Latin America. It has influenced many spiritualist currents and played an important role in the advent of modern psychiatry.

The French and Francophone Spiritist Union (USFF)
The USFF is a federation of the French Spiritist Groups. Its main goals are:
- To promote fraternity and solidarity among all the Spiritist Institutions and the isolated Spiritists both in France and in the other French-speaking countries in order to generate the unification of the Spiritist Movement.
- To promote the study and dissemination of the Spiritist Doctrine in its three fundamental aspects: scientific, philosophical and moral.
- To promote the scientific study of spiritists phenomena.
- To stimulate and assist in the creation of new Spiritist Groups, and to cooperate with all its constituent groups, under their demand, by helping structure their doctrinal, administrative, unifying, supporting activities or others.
- To encourage the practice of spiritual, moral and material charity in the light of the Spiritist Doctrine.
As such, the Convergence Project is one of the actions, which is being implemented to reach the afore-mentioned goals.
To learn more about the USFF’s actions, please refer to our site
The USFF also issues a bi-monthly magazine to assist the groups in their studies. You can receive it – free of charge – in electronic format or buy the hard copy.
Participate in the Project !
The Project is open to the Spiritist Groups through a simple request by e-mail: You may apply for an account in order to participate and contribute to the replies.
In order to consult the summaries and the different answers at the end of the different cycles, just visit our “Publications” section.